News and current developments


Book Review: Between PIAAC and the New Literacy Studies

Between PIAAC and the New Literacy Studies
Book review by NANAMIC member Jenny Stacey
Book review Between Piaac and the New Li[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [66.4 KB]


Smith Report into post-16 mathematics

The long-awaited Smith review into post-16 mathematics education has been published.  It looks at all aspects including A Level Maths and Further Maths, Core Maths, GCSE re-sits and Functional Maths.


This is the most significant report for many years.  We eagerly await the government's response.


Adobe Acrobat document [1.3 MB]

Citizen Maths

Why not check out this valuable FREE resource.  New content is constantly being added Citizen Maths

Making Sense of Mathematics - Review

Making Sense of Mathematics - a review of these excellent materials
These materials provide a fresh, effective way of covering the mathematical curriculum which will engage learners and answer many of the “what’s the point” questions. These are the type of materials which I, and many others, have been waiting for. Used effectively, they will engage our students and produce those who understand the principles of mathematics and are able to apply them in life.
Making Sense of Mathematics.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [188.3 KB]