Qualified Teacher Status Consultation

QTS Consultation
NANAMIC is a member of the Meeting of Mathematics Subject Associations (MMSA). The MMSA has responded to the consultation about proposed changes to Qualified Teacher Status (the requirement for teachers in schools). Although it does not directly affect FE education it should be of interest to those in post-16 education, especially to those teaching Advanced Level Mathematics.
Strengthening QTS Consultation 2018 MMSA[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [488.3 KB]



T Level Consultation

NANAMIC has responded to the consultation on the proposed new T Levels as they require all to have a level 2 qualification in mathematics and English and may require higher levels for some subject areas. We have responded to questions 21 and 22 about maths.

Response to consultation about the new T Levels
NANAMIC response to T-Level consultation[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [18.1 KB]



Functional Skills Mathematics

NANAMIC has worked with the other mathematical subject associations to respond to the proposed intoduction of revised Functional Skills in 2019.


The Department for Education asked for responses to its proposals and Ofqual asked for responses to its suggestions for testing the new qualifications. Our responses can be found below.

Response of the Meeting of Mathematical Subject Associations to DfE
MMSA functional skills response.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [352.1 KB]
Response of the Meeting of Mathematical Subject Associations to Ofqual
MMSA Ofqual functional skills consultati[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [389.7 KB]

Working with Others

NANAMIC represents the particular needs of the Further Education Mathematics Community on various advisory groups including the Joint Mathematical Council of the UK (JMC).  We meet termly with the other mathermatical subject associations.


Our consultations include those with the Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME) and the Department for Education (DfE). This enables us to give an effective voice to the FE Maths community.


We work closely with other organisations such as the Association of Teachers of Mathematics (ATM) and the Mathematics Association (MA). We value hearing your opinions and invite you to consider joining our email consultancy group.