Membership : There are three classes of membership:
Code of Practice
Members of NANAMIC shall seek to act at all times in a manner worthy of their profession and not bring NANAMIC into disrepute
Organisational Membership
Organisational Membership is open to Learning Providers in the UK Post-16 sector. Such institutions pay an organisation annual fee. A designated nominee from each member organisation is eligible to vote at the Annual General Meeting to determine the policies and procedures of the Association and to agree the membership fees.
Individual Membership
Individual Membership is open to those who are involved in the teaching and learning of mathematics and numeracy in the UK Post-16 sector. They agree to abide by the NANAMIC code of conduct and pay an individual annual fee. They are eligible to vote at the Annual General Meeting, to determine the policies and procedures of the Association and to agree the membership fees.
Associate Membership
Associate Membership is open to industrialists, employers, suppliers and organisations and individuals with an interest in the teaching and learning of mathematics and numeracy in the UK Post-16 sector. They pay the annual associate membership fee (the same as the individual fee), but do not have voting rights.
All membership is subject to approval by the committee after submission of an appropriate application form.
Fees may be paid using cheque, BACS or paypal. You will be sent details once your membership is approved. Click here to see Paypal option.
Organisations will be invoiced each year.